Currently based in Hertfordshire, Rangers Riding Ranch is a highly qualified provider of therapeutic equestrian programmes for both children with additional needs and military personnel.
Meeting the Needs of Children
Children with learning, physical or emotional difficulties often must wait months or years for a clinical diagnosis and to have their educational needs appropriately addressed. During this time children typically miss out on the lifelong skills that many of us take for granted in leading our adult lives. Research shows that these skills can be successfully taught through Rangers Riding Ranch equine and non-equine programmes, to help both educationally and emotionally.
Meeting the Needs of Military Personnel
A wide range of physical and mental health challenges such as PTSD, face those who have served our country or are currently in active military service. Horses are particularly well suited to assisting in therapeutic situations and research has shown that working with horses improves the overall quality of life on physiological, psychological and spiritual levels.
If you would like more information on Rangers Riding Ranch, please email or visit the website
We rely on the generosity of grants and donors to continue our work.
Please click here if you wish to donate
Posted: Fri 03 Dec 2021
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